Monday, May 24, 2010

RANDOM POLL: GEORGE W. BUSH. In historical terms, GWB is:?

a) the greatest president in history b) a good president c) an average president d) a terrible president e) the worst president in history

A simple letter answer is acceptable, but feel free to expound. Results will be tallied, and the best anwer will be chosen from the most popular choice. Thanks for participating.

RANDOM POLL: GEORGE W. BUSH. In historical terms, GWB is:?
George Bush will go down in history as the worst President of the United States (to date). Consider what he's done since 2000 (in collusion with the most corrupt, cowardly, incompetent,

evil U.S. Congress in history):

1. Illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation for two really lame reasons: 1) He had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein, and 2) Dick Cheney wants all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so he and his Exxon-Mobil buddies can get richer and richer and richer;

2. Lied to the American public, and leaked information to the press when it conveniently fit his agenda; then tried to censure the press when it prints information he wants to keep secret;

3. Initiated failed economic policies that will result in a severe depression shortly after he leaves office, and which has already put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt;

4. Tarnished America's reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;

5. Tortured 'detainees' without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention, and turned the other when when those prisoners were psychologically, physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually abused;

6. Scared other nations into believing their only defense against the bully Bush is their own nuclear weapons of mass destruction;

7. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraq civilians for not justifiable reason;

8. Turned America into a police state where citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;

9. Neglected America's poor, homeless, disadvantaged, sick, underprivileged, aged, and hungry while playing 'Robin Hood in Reverse', stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich, who - in turn - make generous (if not illegal) campaign contributions to ensure the GOP remains in power;

10. Killed 2,572 U.S. soldiers (so far).

______________________________________... out the new blog: BUSHWACKER!


George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are the most evil and corrupt sub-humans ever to occupy the White House. Surely Satan has reserved a special oil-soaked corner of hell where they spend their eternal damnation blaming each other for destroying our world. -RKO-
Reply:I would give him a C average. He was dealt a bad hand with 9/11 and he hasnt handled it very well....For a great president, he would have taken this as an opportunity to do something great and turn the tide on terrorism....Instead we have more terrorism and more fighting in the middle east...Anyways, the book isnt closed on terror in the world....Perhaps we have yet to see something possitive come out of this...
Reply:e--He sent people to Iraq to fight and die simply to raise his place in the polls so he could get re-elected.

The greatest would include Lincoln for sure.

George W. Bush is correct in declaring the war on terror. Generations from now, people will see today's anti-war morons as, well... morons.
Reply:e e e e! Haven't been around all of them so I don't know. They may have been better at covering up and letting smarter people talk for them. but Bush has such a big ego he even smirks when he is making a damn fool of himself and cant say the words or make any sense to us. He thinks its just good natured laughing when people are laughing at him or joshing him. Maybe he still thinks he's still a popular boozing college cheer leader. He acted like a drunk one at the G8 summit in Europe.

History is gonna kick his hind end.
Reply:Obedient to the Redpublican party

Bush is will be judged harshly and rightly so. His legacy is shameful.
Reply:Voted for him twice. D - terrible.

lets start off with these reasons; the loss of twin towers, the war in Iraq, the biggest debt our nation has seen (it would take more than $30,000 for each American to pay to get us out of our debt), many of our allies that we have lost , lowest presidential rating, loss of thousands of people to other countries (war),and loss of millions of jobs.

i think i made myself clear

i'm glad that he can only serve 1yr. 5mo. 2days 1hr. 22min. 47sec.
Reply:between c and d...leaning towards D

In summary

1)Biggest threat: global warming has not been addressed

2)Has generally kept terrorism off of US soil since 9/11, but has lost public support in Iraq which is currently a stalemate (History will decide if democracy in Iraq prosepers or not)

3)Fair economic and employment numbers, but energy costs are hindering growth.

4)Has led this country into seemingly insurmountable deficits.
Reply:George W. Bush and Rutherford B. Hayes are linked by a historical oddity - each lost the popular vote, yet won the presidency after a contested dispute over balloting in Florida.

But Mr. Bush and Hayes have something else in common: Methodism.

Let's see. ......... other comments.........George W. favors the death penalty, which has been banned by all advanced and industrialized nations other than this one. In fact, George Dubya presided over the largest number of state killings in the nation as Governor of Texas. He has rolled back American workers' rights to sue employers for harm caused, has presided over the impoverishment of people seeking bankruptcy protection, thinks global warming is okay and that deaths from industrial pollution are justified in the pursuit of profit. He doesn't want to make mining companies responsible for dumping arsenic into drinking water. He lied about backing the Kyoto accords during his campaign, and cancelled his promise to commit American industry to clean up Carbon Dioxide emissions that are unquestionably warming earth's atmosphere and will cause death, loss of land and home for many throughout the world if not checked. He opposes banning land mines that terrorize whole populations long after wars are ended. George W. was not, apparently, surprised when the UN voted the US off it Human Rights Commission. He didn't care, and he wasn't surprised. He told congress to send our dues to the UN anyway. Let them eat greenbacks, I suppose.

Two days after being booted from the UN Human Rights Commision, the US was ousted from the UN Narcotics oversight commision. Everyone in congress must have shrugged as they did when the UN sent its message that the US is violating human rights and shouldn't globally legislate them.

He's good on defense, foreign policy and tax policy. He looses points on immigration policy and moral legislation efforts.
Reply:are you sure he's a president or a tyrant, a want tobe king?
Reply:Option E
Reply:Good and average president are one in the same.. B should be a great president or leader. In which, I would put him.

I do not think he was the greatest of all, but he is a great leader.
Reply:E but i dont not have the time or energy to go into this just turn on the news anytime of the day and youll get your answer
Reply:Bush is the biggest A HOLE that wals this earth!!!

Best Ever: George Washington. What a risk and he did a great job.
Reply:B- i can't imagine how Gore or Kerry would've handled world affairs and still rallied the economy after 9/11...

History will be kinder than the media- just like with Reagan...
Reply:Solid B, he's in the top 5 or 7.

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