Saturday, May 22, 2010


a) the only true path to salvation; the way, the truth, and the light

b)perhaps not the only one true interpretation of God, but a useful means of ensuring and promoting morality in society nonetheless

c) every bit as crazy as the other major world religions

d) the most corrupt, intolerant, and destructive force in human history.

A simple letter answer is acceptable, but feel free to expound. Thanks for participating.

D. More wars have been started over religion than anything else.
Reply:You[ Louise ]are a closed minded person... steriotyping us Christians as worthless and hatefull... If I were evil I would give you a piece of my mind, but since I am forgiving, ur forgiven... God bless Report It

Reply:a. except that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Light, not Christianity in itself.

Much Love!!
Reply:I don't think you can lump all of Christianity into one category. I think alot of Catholics are hypocrites and personally would never be one, yet I admire the simplicity of the mormans, but would never be one either. They both profess to be Christian, but the lifestyles are so different. For Christianity in general, all four are probably accurate.
Reply:A, but it must be CHRISTianity. Without Christ, there is nothing.
Reply:e) Hipocrisy
Reply:A except you have to know Jesus. and by know i dont mean just know who he is, you have to be his friend so to speak.
Reply:P. just as Possible as anything else.
Reply:C... Christianity (and/or the Bible) is a story written by a bunch of chauvinistic old drunk men, wandering around in the desert. They were GOOD storytellers, apparently - they got an entire world to believe their prevarications, but they are storytellers nonetheless.
Reply:C) but no more crazy than athiesm.

I used to think b.) but I believe when you go to heaven you will get the opportunity to ask Him, which religion was right and he will say, Judeism is right up until Jesus came. Christianity is the most accurate, and Islam is just like Scientology, a total fraud.
Reply:C. I would say C %26amp; D, except that Islam has not yet proven itself as destructive as Christianity.
Reply:E:) None of the above.

Jesus Christ is the only way. He is the Truth and only path.

A:) looks good, but it is not. There is no mention of Jesus Christ. The so called different Christians "sects" some do not Preach Jesus Christ as savior.

YOU left Christ out. Don't do this :)
Reply:e) none of the above
Reply:d is the definitive course the world wants. anything else makes sense.
Reply:D-shameful bloodbath history!
Reply:a, b,c, and is definitely competing for d.
Reply:Jesus, (Not the religion of Christianity), is our salvation, He is the way, the Truth, and the light...

You can go to church sing hymns and do all the good deeds and try your best to keep the commandments... you can even call yourself "Christian"...

But until to confess to God that you are a sinner and ask forgiveness and ask Jesus to save you and be your Lord then, you ARE NOT, and I repeat , Are Not saved....therefore you are not a true Christian

Religion is never the answer.....

Good deeds and rightiousness are good things and they are commanded by God for us to do them....

But those works won't save you....

"For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves- it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast."- Ephesians 10:9

God bless...
Reply:a) the only true path to salvation; the way, the truth, and the light

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