Monday, May 24, 2010

If some random country says "I want a nuke"...?

...does that demonstrate "intent" as the Cons so loudly exclaim as reason to continue to label Iran as a looming threat to the US ?

So they want nukes. So do ALOT of other countries. What right does the US have in bombing the c_ap out of some country just because they MAY still WANT nukes ? Are you Cons seriously THAT out of touch with reality ?

If some random country says "I want a nuke"...?
the greater question is: does our preemption policy and our own nuclear stockpile constitute a threat to other countries. If we continue to hold onto our nukes and we make wwIII references to 'axis of evil' countries, are we no better than those who threaten that we actually have the weapons and military to battle it out?? If I were another country, I would seriously think about reinstating my own war path in the face of such a giant and preemptive threat. We cannot continue to demand that others follow some protocol that we ourselves refuse to follow.....especially in light of the fact that we have been the ones who have used force against other people/countries without being first attacked by that country.
Reply:There was never any intent to invade Iran , declare war, or occupy it. The intent was, and is still, to disable their reactors if necessary. And that very well may happen. And, no, I am not out of touch with reality, but I do wish people were more aware and would read more before making an assumption based on hot air.
Reply:Could be that they've made numerous threats against both The US and Israel, but I'm just guessing. Maybe you should move your antenna a little more to the right.
Reply:It demonstrates "possibility" which is good enough for me.

The man is Hitler in a bad suit and platform shoes.
Reply:Because we want to protect Israel and Iran said that Israel should not exist. No other country said that. For example, North Korea said we want to make Nukes but we don't care because they are not going to use them against Jews.
Reply:Dude... or ma'am, Yahoo is a wasteland populated by multi-identified chicken hawk supporting fascist pukes...

Reason has no bearing on anything they think or say, they are true reactionaries.... however and I say this with only the slightest bit less disgust, that the left in this room constantly defends itself against these types and in doing so justify an already over spoken diatribe about Might and Morality... terrorists and liberals exist in the same breath and Conspiracy and anti-Americanism is the hallmark of the infidel...

yu are correct of course in your question where you loose ground is when you try to defend your position. ...

this is of course very Hitler-esque in it's absolutist appeal. and too the absorbed.. we are the enemy, you can never win them over so don't try....
Reply:The only people "out of touch with reality" are those who fail to understand the danger these countries pose. When Iran's president declared that he wanted to blow Israel off the map, he spoke volumes about himself, and his intents. If a rogue nation gets a nuke, I hope that you are the target. Perhaps that is the only way to wake you and your liberal buddies up to reality.
Reply:Take that much needed vacation of yours and spend that time in Iran.

Then get back to us............
Reply:Cons always want OTHER PEOPLE to go to war so they can seem macho when it fact they're nothing but little boys.
Reply:No one is bombing anyone.


That's why NO ONE wants them to have nukes not just the US.

Reply:If Iran had nukes the first thing they would do is launch them at Israel. Is that what you want to see? They have stated how much hate they have for Israel %26amp; how evil they say they are. A nuke is the only way they could defeat Israel. And it would just cause WW3 with the end of all man kind by the time it was over.

You say Israel is irrelevent? My friend Israel has $$$$ lots of it invested in the United States. They will be our allies for that fact %26amp; we will protect them anyway we can. Like or not its all about the $$$$$$$.
Reply:No, but setting up huge underground facilities to enrich uranium would probably signal intent.

You know, sort of like Iran did.

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