Monday, May 24, 2010

If A Random Stranger Comes Up To You And...?

Starts talking like they know you and they know your name. Do you...

A) Pretend like you remember them

B) Ask who they are

C) Ignore them.

If A Random Stranger Comes Up To You And...?
A,I'll fake it till I know.
Reply:Ask. I have a hard time remembering people's faces. I'm better at names. But I'm not shy about telling them I've forgotten their name or who they are.
Reply:D) Throw a pie at him/her

Reply:b) what the hell is he/she doing in my life???
Reply:D) Try and Figure out who they are by the time they stop talking but if i still dont have a clue then....

B) Ask Who they Are
Reply:i would prolly mix up 1 and 2 =]
Reply:D) cry :(
Reply:id be awkward, ask who they are, then laugh and run!
Reply:D) Laugh my @ss off!
Reply:A...i wouldn't wanna make it awkward.
Reply:It's happened to me before and i did A ,it was really embarrassing.
Reply:B) But it would be more like "I'm sorry, I can't remember your name"
Reply:B) Ask who they are
Reply:ask who they are
Reply:B) Ask who they are.
Reply:b, but nicley so as to not inslt them
Reply:i usually pretend like i remember them and continue the conversation by asking questions that the answers might lead me to remember how the **** i know em.
Reply:B) Ask them who they are. I'm not shy. LOL
Reply:B) Ask who they are
Reply:Stranger Danger!

no...well if they seemed a little off to me i would try and end the conversation as soon as possible but if they look the slighest familiar then i'll stay and chat.

but i would ask them who they were.
Reply:Tell them that I have no Idea who they are.
Reply:B or C, depending on the Situation....!!
Reply:B) ask who they are

Reply:The weird thing is, this has happened to me before. Someone I go to school with, had his girlfriend ( i had never seen her before) come up and hug me and talk to me like we were best friends. I pretended like I knew her so i wouldnt hurt her feelings, but come to find out it was a joke and I feel like an idiot for falling for it.

But. Really, B :]
Reply:if they noe ma name i ask who they are

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